pioneer Innovation Challenge 2024
The big innovation challenge for students, start-ups and researchers to develop sustainable innovations for our food system.
After this course you will have
Develop solutions for current challenges together with leading companies in the food industry, experience real innovation processes and gain an exclusive insight behind the scenes of the Swiss food system. The Innovation Challenge also offers you the opportunity to expand your professional network with contacts to decision-makers, experienced entrepreneurs and investors from the food industry and thus boost your innovation or career!
7 challenges were submitted by our pioneer partners for the challenge, which we will work on together in a hackathon in autumn.
The seven challenges in brief:
Challenge #01 - Develop innovative processes for dough cooling with the Bertschi Bakery
Challenge #02 - Create calorie-reduced smoothies and juices that inspire with the Biotta!
Challenge #03 - Find innovative solutions for broken and cracked eggs with EiCO
Challenge #04 - Develop the high-protein products of tomorrow with Emmi
Challenge #05 - Explore undiscovered alternatives to white rice with LILY'S
Challenge #06 - Reduce the need for ‘single-use’ plastic within the food supply chain with Migros Zürich
Challenge #07 - Develop AI-supported solutions for smart processes in specification management with Kündig
Further information on the challenges can be found at the following link: https://foodward.ch/pioneer-innovation-challenge/
Course Programme
Work on the challenges starts on 26 September 2024 and ends on 28 November 2024 with the Pitch Night in front of the decision-makers of the industry partners.
The development of the prototypes will be accompanied by experienced coaches and worked on in collaboration with the clients of the challenges as well as experts from research and entrepreneurship at three hacks, and each team will also have the opportunity to visit their client's company. There will also be two digital sessions to sharpen the prototype and the final pitch.

The Innovation Challenge is open to students, start-ups and researchers in Switzerland. The challenges are worked on in teams of 3-5 people. Registration is possible as an existing team or as an individual. The teams will be finalised at the kick-off event and, if necessary, supplemented; the focus is on interdisciplinarity The Innovation Challenge is based on an ‘open innovation’ approach and aims to realise follow-up projects and partnerships with the clients of the challenges from the solutions developed.
These partnerships and projects are formalised individually after the challenge and participation, including coaching and catering, is free of charge. Teams can also apply for up to CHF 2,000 to cover the material costs of prototyping.
Application Deadline
The regular application deadline ends on: